“Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos.”
Don’t let this quarantine bring you down remember: it could always be worse. Many are fighting for their last breath, have had to say goodbye to loved ones, and you and I are just “stuck inside.” Yeah, it could be worse , way, way worse!
Rather than let this be the focus though, look around and see how so many have found something to stay positive. They sing from their balconies, have remembered what it means to laugh and play inside with their children, stop and smell the coffee beans, and sit around the table thankful to have those they love with them. Yes, they are being grateful for the little things, happy to be alive, be in the moment.
So if you are quarantined but healthy, let’s be on the same page and change the focus; let’s find the moments you have right now to remember the good times, and pray for those who might not have the circumstances to just be “quarantined” but are fighting for their lives or the lives of others.
And if you have the ingredients already in the house, make some ice cream, watch your kids smile, and send me a note about why you are grateful for the moment you are living right now.
-the white radish
Adapted slightly from Donna Hay
3 CUPS (750ML) Evaporated whole milk
1 CUP (250ML) MILK (whole milk-fresh if possible)
½ CUP (50G) DUTCH COCOA (or any cocoa powder not sweetened)
CONES, (optional)
Verona chocolate or any dark chocolate melted (optional for cones)
1/2 tsp vegetable oil (optional)
1/2 cup toasted hazelnuts largely crushed with kosher salt (optional for cones)
Place the cream (evaporated milk), milk, vanilla, chocolate-hazelnut spread (Nutella) and cocoa in a large bowl and whisk until the mixture is combined and the cocoa is dissolved.
Divide the mixture between 2 large zip-lock bags, pressing out as much air as possible, and seal. Lay each bag flat on a baking tray and freeze for 3 hours or until firm and just frozen.
Remove the bags from the freezer and, using your hands, gently bend each bag to break up the mixture into small pieces. Place the mixture in a food processor, in 2 batches, and process for 2–3 minutes or until just smooth, breaking up any large pieces with a spoon.
Spoon into a 2-litre-capacity loaf tin and freeze for 2 hours or until firm. Or if you do not have a loaf pan; pre-scoop with ice cream scoop and freeze scoops on a metal tray until hardened.
Meanwhile, if you have cones melt Verona chocolate (or any chocolate you prefer) and 1/2 tsp vegetable oil and stir. Dip the cones into the chocolate and then immediately dip the toasted hazelnuts and salt.
Hand-dipped Cones can be placed in freezer as well until ice cream is ready.